Just came accross the first part of Kirk Degiorgio new volume in his SOUND OBSESSION series - The Birth Of Techno PT.1....1985-1988
Model 500 - No UFO's - Metroplex
Model 500 - The Future - Metroplex
Model 500 - Night Drive Thru Babylon - Metroplex
X Ray - Untitled - Transmat
X Ray - Let's Go (Remix) - Fantasy
Eddie 'Flashin' Fowlkes - Goodbye Kiss - Metroplex
Model 500 - Sound Of Stereo - Metroplex
Model 500 - Off To Battle - Metroplex
Rythim Is Rythim - Nude Photo - Transmat
Rythim Is Rythim - The Dance - Transmat
Rythim Is Rythim - Move It - Transmat
Suburban Knight - The Groove - Transmat
Keynotes - Let's Let's Let's Dance - Incognito
Intercity - Groovin' Without Doubt - KMS
Blake Baxter - When We Used To Play - KMS
Blake Baxter - Does Not Compute - KMS
Intercity - Out Of Control - KMS
Reese & Santonio - The Sound - KMS
Rythim Is Rythim - Strings Of Life - Transmat
Neal Howard - To Be Or Not... (Mayday Mix) - Future Sound
Kevin Saunderson - Perpetual Motion - Future Sound R&R
Separate Minds - You Ask For It - Express
Separate Minds - 1st Bass - Express
Model 500 - OK Corral - Metroplex
Mayday - Wiggin - Pheerce Citi
Absoulte Killer....
Click here link.