og:image" content=""https://s12.postimg.org/akaze8k99/blog.png"" /> Gidman's Treasures And Nuggets: April 2015

Friday, 3 April 2015

Room 6 (Folkestone) Rave History 1989 - 1992

This Blog is dedicated to the Raves & DJ's of Room 6 (Folkestone). DJ TNT and DJ Jeff (Room 6) were the original pioneers of raving in Folkestone from 1989, organising small illegal raves at the Warren and Trance Dance which made the Folkestone Herald to one offs at village halls, the East Cliff Pavillion, The Metronome and club nights at Heroes and Bottoms.

Here's a great blog set up by my good friend Simon Wiggin's who like me spent many a time at these events.
Click HERE